We’re #1!
The number one podcast at the start of 2025 was Rosary in a Year, the latest addition to the “… in a Year” series. That’s pretty cool and sparks hope that we’re returning to an era where growing deeper in faith is on par with eating healthy, exercising, and taking care of yourself. For too long, publicly striving to deepen one’s faith was looked down upon as not being politically correct. I’m excited to see that religion and spirituality are coming out of the shadows. Who knows? Maybe we’ll have a Catholic bishop teaching theology on prime time TV!
“It took hundreds of years to be developed to get to what it is, as a perfect prayer that has our way of receiving and coming to God,” he said. “But also, it’s really good for our humanity. We’re all over the place. It’s really hard for us to focus and to concentrate and the human ability to focus in the concrete for an extended period of time is somewhat of like, the foundation on which prayer is built. It’s going to be really hard to hear God, to come to God, if you can’t pay attention at all. And so I think there’s a part of praying the rosary, which is like physical therapy for the soul. The content works the concentration muscle within. It’s really atrophied.”
Father Mark-Mary Ames, CFR
‘Rosary’ beats Rogan: Is faith-based media becoming mainstream? | Fox News
I don’t want to sound like one of those “I was doing this before it was cool” type of people, but RosaryMeds has been in existence for 15 years now and echoes many of the same themes as Rosary in a Year. Ever since I discovered the power and beauty of the Rosary, I’ve been trying to proclaim the joy of praying it to whoever wants to hear it. It’s reassuring to know that so many people are interested in such a great devotional prayer!
A New Look
Here’s another piece of exciting news. If you are reading this post on RosaryMeds then you probably see that I redesigned the site. It still has all the same content, it has just been re-arranged to showcase the Rosary praying resources instead of the posts. This aligns more with what our priorities should be — praying and deepening our faith over reading my thoughts (and sometimes ramblings). I hope you like it and share RosaryMeds with others, especially those who are dipping their beads in the Rosary in a Year waters.