What is the Rosary?
Learn about the Rosary and how to get the most out of it.
The Joyful Mysteries
Your virtual Rosary with intentions, scripture, and videos to help you pray and meditate on the Jesus’ birth and childhood.
The Luminous Mysteries
Your virtual Rosary with intentions, scripture, and videos to help you pray and meditate on Jesus’ public ministry.
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Your virtual Rosary with intentions, scripture, and videos to help you pray and meditate on Jesus’ Passion and Crucifixion.
The Glorious Mysteries
Your virtual Rosary with intentions, scripture, and videos to help you pray and meditate on Jesus’ Resurrection and Mary’s Queenship in Heaven.
Books and Resources
Download eBooks and watch videos to help you unlock the power of the Rosary.
How Our Faith Brings Hope into the World
My apologies for my month-long absence from RosaryMeds. Of all months, I should be cranking out the most content in…
The Moral Wisdom of the Catholic Church
The Book I recently finished reading Father Spitzer’s third book in his “Called Out of Darkness” trilogy. The first book…
Improving Your Rosary Prayer with Daily Meditations
A New Way to Love the Rosary I love finding new ways to embrace the Rosary. I recently came across…
Ten Practices to Reclaim Prayer Time from Screen Time
How I Lose My Day to Screen Time My day follows a similar pattern. I wake up and pray for…
Are We Happier?
Looking back at the 1990s In the 1997 movie, Contact, the preacher Palmer Joss poses this question in a faux…
The Extraordinary Strength of the Catholic Church
Catholic All-Stars The movie, The Exorcist, is loosely based on the true story of the demonic possession of a boy…