The Miracle of Prayer

Hello and thank you for visiting my website.  Hopefully you are here because you are searching for a better way of getting more out of your prayers.  Perhaps you only pray a few minutes a day or give a quick prayer of thanks before meals.  Maybe you pray every day but are looking for new ways to meditate on it.  And it is quite possible that you have not thought about uttering a prayer since elementary school.  Regardless of your current prayer life, you’ve come to the right place.

This site will contain my prayer meditations.  In particular I focus on rosary meditation and I will share my thoughts for each decade.  I will also discuss the power and importance of prayer and the freedom that comes from trying to live a spiritual lifestyle.

First, let me introduce myself.  I am not a priest, nun, or pastor.  I am a software engineer living in San Francisco.  I enjoy watching television, browsing the internet, reading books, playing hockey, and discovering new technology.  Most people would consider me a pretty normal person.  About a year and a half ago I traded in my twenty-minute commute to work for a two-hour one when I changed jobs.  At first I tried to pass the time listening to the usual FM music, AM talk, and occasional audio book.  However, I always felt like I was wasting my time on my commute and there were other things I could do that would be more productive.

It was in my two-hour commutes that I started praying the rosary regularly.  I was already in the habit of praying the rosary but it was only about once a week.  With such infrequent prayer I could never seem to gain any momentum to dive deeper and truly contemplate the meanings behind my words.  Now I pray anywhere from one mystery to all four of them on my daily commute.  I have found that my rosary meditation centers me and gives me the strength to face my everyday challenges.  It has been my spiritual exercise and I’ve never felt more fit.

I hope I can share my enthusism over prayer, the rosary, meditation, and faith.  It has been a great, transforming factor in my life and I hope that it can be one in yours as well.