What is the Rosary?
Learn about the Rosary and how to get the most out of it.
The Joyful Mysteries
Your virtual Rosary with intentions, scripture, and videos to help you pray and meditate on the Jesus’ birth and childhood.
The Luminous Mysteries
Your virtual Rosary with intentions, scripture, and videos to help you pray and meditate on Jesus’ public ministry.
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Your virtual Rosary with intentions, scripture, and videos to help you pray and meditate on Jesus’ Passion and Crucifixion.
The Glorious Mysteries
Your virtual Rosary with intentions, scripture, and videos to help you pray and meditate on Jesus’ Resurrection and Mary’s Queenship in Heaven.
Books and Resources
Download eBooks and watch videos to help you unlock the power of the Rosary.
How the Rosary Teaches Us About Jesus’ Mercy
This Sunday we celebrate The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. The Gospel is from St. Luke:…
How Rosary Prayer Teaches Us About Complete Faith in God
Hopefully, you can take a break from all the election related news and meditate on this Sunday’s Gospel. It’s a…
Book Review: Be a Man
Are you a person who: reads the Bible? Are you spending time reading Scripture every day? Are you living with…
What Rosary Prayer Teaches us About Initiative
This Sunday’s Gospel (10/30/16) comes from Luke: At that time, Jesus came to Jericho and intended to pass through the…
The Importance of Reading the Sunday Gospel on Monday
It is honesty time! When is the first time you typically read or hear the Sunday Gospel reading? Do you:…
Speak Up! — What Rosary Prayer Teaches Us About Stating Intentions
Do you remember one of the early scenes in Million Dollar Baby where Client Eastwood’s character kneels in prayer next…