What is the Rosary?
Learn about the Rosary and how to get the most out of it.
The Joyful Mysteries
Your virtual Rosary with intentions, scripture, and videos to help you pray and meditate on the Jesus’ birth and childhood.
The Luminous Mysteries
Your virtual Rosary with intentions, scripture, and videos to help you pray and meditate on Jesus’ public ministry.
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Your virtual Rosary with intentions, scripture, and videos to help you pray and meditate on Jesus’ Passion and Crucifixion.
The Glorious Mysteries
Your virtual Rosary with intentions, scripture, and videos to help you pray and meditate on Jesus’ Resurrection and Mary’s Queenship in Heaven.
Books and Resources
Download eBooks and watch videos to help you unlock the power of the Rosary.
Only in Catholicism Can True Balance be Found
We Want a Balanced Life The goal for so many of us is to live a life of balance and…
RosaryMeds’ Catholic Voters Guide
I must have too many subscribers and visitors to RosaryMeds because I’m going to write about something that may turn…
October’s Cornucopia of Rosary Articles
In addition to writing about the Rosary, I read a lot about it too. After all, I need inspiration and…
God Always Provides a Path to Heaven
CHOOSING A PATH Certain video games are designed so that certain outcomes are no longer possible based on the actions…
The Power of Confession
IAACS: IT’S ALL ABOUT CONFESSION SILLY My family invited a friend who was the former associate pastor at our parish,…
How Expecting Perfection Leads to Unhappiness
Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve noticed a disturbing trend in the world today — the expectation of perfection. It…