One Year of RosaryMeds

December 11 came and went and I didn’t even realize that it was the one year anniversary of RosaryMeds going live.  I’ve had a great time writing posts, reading your comments, and learning how to run an online blog site.  Most importantly, writing articles about the rosary and the Catholic Church made me set aside time in my week to just think about my faith.  Like I’ve said before, how can you love your faith if you don’t take the time to understand it?

As RosaryMeds now enters its second year I have a few goals.  First, I definitely need to finish writing meditations on all the mysteries of the rosary.  I then need to compile that into some sort of ebook download.  I don’t have many plans after that except the usual blogging goals (more visitors, more discussion in the articles’ comments section, etc.).  And that is where you, the reader, come in.  Please let me know if there are topics that you think would be really interesting for me to discuss or ways that I can improve the site.

And now some statistics from the first year:

  • 59 articles
  • 2,736 unique visitors
  • 6,236 pages viewed at an average time of 1.88 minutes/page
  • Visitors came from 83 different countries speaking 39 languages
  • The most popular Google search term that brought people to RosaryMeds: “luminous mysteries meditation”
  • Most visited page (not counting the home page): The Luminous Mysteries
  • Most popular single post:  Rosary Meditation on the Third Luminous Mystery

Thank you for visiting this site.  Thank you for telling other people about this site.  Thank you for visiting my advertisers.  Here’s to another great year of RosaryMeds!  Happy Praying.

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