I finally finished and published the Kindle version of “The Rosary for the Rest of Us.” Sorry for the nearly year-long delay between the print version and this Kindle version. But I’ve been quite busy with work, family, and… oh yeah, my newborn baby! Download your copy today from Amazon at half the price of the printed version (and free for Amazon Prime members)!
I know there are a lot of people out there who are still confused about Kindle books. You don’t need to buy a Kindle Reader in order to enjoy Kindle books (which are usually a lot cheaper than the printed versions and you don’t need to wait for shipping). You can enjoy books in Kindle format on a home computer, tablet, or smart phone. You can download a free Kindle application for your PC from Amazon and start reading today.
The Kindle version of my rosary guide is just the latest iteration of me wanting to learn new things. When I took an interest in blogging, I created RosaryMeds. When I was interested in writing a book, I wrote “The Rosary for the Rest of Us.” When I took an interest in how Kindle books work, I converted it over. I wanted to learn a little video editing so I created a small book trailer. I find the best way to learn something is to just do it even if that means a lot of false starts and wrong turns. It took me a long time to convert my book to Kindle because everything I initially tried was really complicated and convoluted. Different guides and forums offered information that seemed to conflict with each other. But after some persistence, I finally came across the correct tools for the job (Sigil and Calibre if anyone is interested) and I got my Kindle book formatted and published within a week.
I bring up my misadventures with the Kindle conversion because I think it also relates to how we approach prayer. I know a lot of people who say they want to pray more and become better connected with their spiritual side. But they never find the “right time” to get started or they are afraid that they will do it wrong (I don’t understand how you can pray incorrectly). My advice is to just start praying. Maybe your goal is a rosary a day or 20 minutes of prayer. Don’t put off praying just because you can’t find 20 minutes in your day to pray. Start with 10 minutes, 5 minutes, one decade, or even one prayer. If you wait for the “right” time to try something, you may never try it all. I never would have started praying the rosary regularly, created RosaryMeds, or wrote “The Rosary for the Rest of Us” if I waited for the ideal conditions to emerge. Guess what? The ideal conditions hardly ever emerge. You have to create the ideal conditions.
So please support this website and buy my book either on paperback or Kindle. Tell your friends and family about it. But don’t wait for it to arrive or finish reading it cover to cover before trying to make prayer a more important part of your life. In fact, just stop right now and spend 30 seconds praying about something. It will be a good start. Don’t worry, the world won’t go anywhere. I promise.
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