Introducing my New Book! The 44th Rose

It’s here! After many months of development I’m proud to announce my latest offering on RosaryMeds — my new booklet, The 44th Rose: Rosary Intentions for Today’s Busy Person. Think of this as an addition to The Rosary for the Rest of us. While The Rosary for the Rest of Us provides commentary of the general themes of each rosary mystery, The 44th Rose offers ten specific intentions/meditations for each mystery. Naturally, I chose ten intentions so that you can have one for each Hail Mary.

The 44th Rose

I jumped back and forth whether to put this book on Amazon.  On one hand, a book on Amazon has the potential to reach a greater audience.  But on the other hand, you have to charge something to make a book available for the Kindle ($1 minimum).  And I know for me, I pass on many things that aren’t free (books, apps, supporting developers of free software I use) even when the price is trivially small.

I’m making The 44th Rose free for download in multiple formats — epub, pdf, online, and even as PowerPoint slides.  Not only can you download this book for free, but feel free to share it with others.  In fact, consider sharing this book as your way of paying for it.  I get so much joy knowing that I’m helping others get the most out of their rosary prayer and introducing new people to the rosary meditation.  Share the link, send a file, print some copies for friends — it’s all good with me.

Please go to the Intentions page listed at the top of RosaryMeds and download your free ebook today.

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