Rosary Meditation: The First Glorious Mystery

This week’s rosary meditation centers around the First Glorious Mystery — Jesus’ Resurrection.  After Jesus’ death on the Cross, the Roman and Jewish authorities thought that they had taken care of that “troublemaker.”  However, despite His death, the solid rock walls of the tomb, the large boulder sealing the entrance, and the guards, nothing of

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Pop Quiz

Pop quiz!  Can you honestly answer these questions without looking them up? Can you name all 10 Commandments (bonus if you get them in order)? How many sacraments are there?  What are they? What are the three parts of the Holy Trinity? Who are the four Gospel writers? Who was the first pope? What are

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Rosary Meditation: The Third Glorious Mystery

This rosary meditation reflects on the Third Glorious Mystery — The Decent of the Holy Spirit.  The apostles, scared of suffering a similar fate as Jesus Christ, hid in a locked house.  Suddenly, a strong wind came through and tongues of fire appeared above the their heads.  Strengthened with the gift of the Holy Spirit

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